CK Brent: Not only the AWF's sound man, but also the master of the Hammer dance. He is currently a model for Calvin Klein and loves dancing for the ladies. His lighting fast kicks and arched pins have made him famous in the AWF. Although he lacks in submission holds he makes up for it with his CK Driver finishing move.

Contact CK Brent

Red Mask: The scurge of the sea, the wonder from down under. Once the most feared wrestler of all time, now the fastest losing superstar. He strikes fear in the eyes of opponents in his kiddie pool style match. Red Mask can't swim and leads a private lifestyle. He is still yet to win a match in AWF.

Carlos Enchilada: One of the first AWF luchadors and one of the first cruiser weight champions, Carlos Enchilada is deadly with his severed green tail. He always comes out with his can of Que Bueno Dip and is known for saying, "Que Bueno." This superstar speaks no English and is a former member of the Hardcore Hellcats.

Contact Carlos Enchilada

El Demente: El Demente, one of the newest AWF's luchadors, is known for his finisher the 4th Dimension and the Toronto Maple Leaf submission. He had associated himself with Dust from the start and later with Faygo.

Contact El Demente

Dust: The master of the Frog Splash, Dust premiered in the AWF as a version of The Taft. Since then he has proved himself on his own and with Demente in tag action.

Contact Dust


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